Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Have you ever thought.....


I did my kickboxing class yesterday, and I still had a little energy afterwards. There are some instructors that I just love to be around because they are very energetic and very motivating. I realized last week that one instructor that I just love and have missed going to because of schedule issues, she has a spin class right after kickboxing.

What is spin? It's a four letter word, I tell ya!

Within 5 minutes into the class, I was thinking, now what the hell was I thinking!? How do I escape this torture?

The one redeeming quality at the time was that the air conditioning must have been blasting, it was a small room, and the fans were on. I was actually COLD! Normally, I am sweating out half the water in my body by that point.

So as not to be embarrassed, I stuck it out. It was all good though. My legs became numb after the first 10 minutes, and I couldn't feel anything :)

I made it through and realized that that bike helped stretch all the little tensed up muscles in my legs. It was a good thing after all. My legs feel better today than they have in a long time. I'm ready to go back.....maybe :)

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