Thursday, August 7, 2008

I missed my studmuffin!

Do you ever feel like you are on auto pilot?

Things are going to turn out the way they are going to turn out, so why worry?

Take this week for instance. Studmuffin was gone to Arizona for a couple of days. (I have pics if I ever get a chance to get them on the puter) But as luck would have it (which generally I don't have any) but I did not have to work at the office any this week until tomorrow.

It's a good thing! I have been SOOO busy. 1 kid here, 1 kid there, pick up this one, drop off this one. And in between those times, I have been showing houses. I look back and think WOW, I made it through! But then I think with even more emotion that I AM SO GLAD I HAVE MY HUBBY! He may snore and make other strange noises during the night, but I missed him and am glad he's home :)

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