Monday, August 4, 2008

Genetics or spoiled?

I am trying to figure out if this is a genetics thing or if we are both spoiled. I think I should ask my mother instead of my husband because I think I already know his answer :)

I guess this could be another quirk of mine....but doggone it, I LOVE to have my hair washed. My mom had a beauty shop in our house when my brother was a baby. That would make me around 5 or 6 or so. My mom would lay me back in the beauty shop chair and wash my hair for what seemed like hours!! I would bet the farm I never complained while she did it unless she was pulling my hair. That's another story! I hated when she pulled my pony tails so tight. I'm tender headed!

Well, Suzi's got something going on with what I think is chlorine in her hair. I have been washing it for her in the sink to see if I can get whatever is in her hair out. It's starting to look better, but tonight, she came bebopping down and told me she was "ready." Ready for what?

She wanted me to scrub her head! AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH she says. I think she too would let me sit and do that for hours! So what do you think? Genetics or spoiled?

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