Friday, May 30, 2008


No, that isn't a typo. I have had this picture scanned for weeks, and today I have the perfect opportunity to use it. This man (my grandfather) seriously lived on Twinkies, hot dogs, campbell's chicken noodle soup, orange juice, bologna and aspirin. There you have it. The recipe for a long happy life :)

My hubby went to a Hostess thrift store in his travels a couple of days ago. He bought zingers, apple pies, cherry pies, cupcakes and twinkies. I warned him when he brought them in that he should hide what he wanted. He said, no, that he got these other things for the kids to eat and the twinkies would be his.

Poor boy was crying this morning. Not only are his twinkies gone, but he said if my grandpa was still alive, he'd keep him in full supply of twinkies! My grandpa was so cool like that. He would take us to the 7-up (His name for 7-11) and tell us to get what we wanted. Now, mind you, he would always suggest something soft. Some good stuff, like chocolate or twinkies. (maybe he contributed to my chocolate addiction)

He would cringe when I would put sweet tarts up on the counter tho. Those will break your teeth he would say! Get you something good, something soft like chocolate or twinkies!

So where did the word twonkies come from? That would be He-man. He asked his PaPa one day, PaPa, do you have anymore twonkies? My dad was like, WHAT? So we call them Twonkies now, even 14 years later :) Good times!

1 comment:

The Cool Breezes said...

Such a sweet little man thank GOD for grandpa's. A very sweet story!