Sunday, May 11, 2008

F-R-E-E that spells free...

Happy Mother's Day to ME!

It's been one of those weeks. This commercial got stuck in my head early in the week thanks to one of my buds!

One thing REALLY cool about having a kid that drives now....without any prompting, he went to the store some time this past week. He bought his daddy a birthday card and signed it from him, his brother and his sister. How cool is that?

And he bought me a Mother's Day card. How cool is that?

George Porge wanted to stop and get me a rose bush, but Studmuffin suggested he wait on that til we get to the new house. (It's the thought that counts anyway :))

And Suzi, she's made me about 14 cards and keychains and just been all around nice to her Mommy the last few days. Except of course when she was wrestling with me and got a take down ONLY because I stubbed my toe :)

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