Friday, April 4, 2008

Speaking of Grandmas

When He-man was little, he used to call my maternal grandmother Grandma Windy. Her name was Winnie, and Grandma Windy just stuck. I remember one time driving down Franklin Road in Indianapolis with my Grandma in the car and He-man was about 18 months or so.

Every time we would pass a corn field, he would say, Grandma Windy, LOOK! Corn growing! I remember my Grandma telling that story time and time again. She just got such a kick out of every field we passed, look Grandma Windy, corn growing!

We were coming home from baseball practice the other day, and I was telling him about that. I told him it was a good thing we weren't HERE when we were driving in the car! He would have been saying, Look Grandma! Apples growing, peaches growing, strawberries growing, corn growing, onions growing, cherries growing, pears growing, almonds growing, asparagus growing and I COULD keep going!

He-man was her first great grandchild. I think she would be so proud of him today!

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