Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Being needed

I used to run a daycare in my house. Parents would always let me cut their baby's fingernails and toenails. In fact, if I didn't do them, and they needed done, they would ask me to cut them. I would cut my friends' kid's nails. Kids also used to come to me to ask me to pull their teeth. I really have no idea why. I guess because I didn't act like it was a big deal and didn't traumatize them about it being done.

Well, some things never change. My baby boy, my 14 year old, my lil George Porge, just came to me and asked me to cut his nails. The rest of the boys here were teasing him saying he would be 35 and asking his mommy to cut his nails. He said, HECK YEAH! Of course, I wasn't doing it for a while before he got his braces. Now that he has braces, he had to quit biting them.

It's so wonderful to be needed :)

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