Friday, February 29, 2008

You can sleep when you're dead

I'm gonna need it!

I had big plans this morning. No school. No class til 9:30. I was going to sleep in!

Suzi had a friend sleep over last night. Evidently, she felt that they should use the guest room since she had a guest. Hubby said last night, if you're wanting sleep, you better get the girls out of there. I hollered up there but was half asleep. I asked hubby to go settle them down, thinking he would tell them to get out of there.

Ohhhhh, I guess about 6 this morning, I start hearing footsteps. Thinking someone was just going to the bathroom, I was ok with that. Noooooooooo, the footsteps kept going. I swear I would just get back to sleep and here they'd go again. Hubby of course heard nothing!

Did I mention the guest room is directly above mine?

Grouching, I reasoned with hubby that since he was supposed to tell them to go out of there, and since he was going to work in a bit, he should go tell them to go to her room. Well, I tried for about 10 minutes and realized I wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep.

I asked hubby why he didn't tell them last night. He said they had blankets, etc. in there and were going to go to sleep.

Oh, well. I guess I can sleep when I'm dead!

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