Monday, December 1, 2008

My middle of the night earthquake

At 3:30 in the morning, I was at the computer looking to see if there had been an earthquake. I didn't know if I had dreamed it or what, but I know I heard a boom and thought that there was movement. But I do dream things like that too, so I was just checking. It was very real though and woke me out of a dead sleep. Hubby got up right around then and went to the bathroom. I think he might have heard it too.

There was absolutely nothing.

So then, of course, I laid in bed and fretted. I hoped this didn't mean there was about to be an earthquake.

After about an hour of tossing and turning, it hit me. I should have opened Suzi's door and made sure she was still in her bed.

You know, they name hurricanes. I think I might have had an earthquake Suzi :) I should have checked because if she did fall out of the bed, she'll never remember it!

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