Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can you tell?

I have been a busy little bee lately?

I became official this past week. I have my license in hand. I am also a member of a few boards now because my broker said I have to be :)

I have also officially written up two lease agreements. One is for sure, the other is iffy, but, hey, ya gotta start somewhere! It's good practice if it doesn't go through.

Kiddos are in school. Suzi's cheer starts Friday. George is already wondering when wrestling season starts, which is very shocking to me. I didn't think he would do it, but I do know he will kick butt doing it. He will be very good. He's had lots of practice with all the wrestlers that have hung out here that have outweighed him but haven't been able to pin him :)

He-man, that's another story for another day (sigh).

I am going to take my tired butt to bed now!

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