Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My good son

The one who is keeping his grades up (somewhat) who is still eligible to wrestle.....

(George knows I am razzing him.)

He-man wrestled tonight. He worked and he worked and he worked and he worked. It was one of the longest matches I SWEAR.

The ref kept blowing the whistle like every 2 seconds I think. I would post a video, but they were SHORT!

At one point, the other guy had a bloody nose. So there was a minute or two break there.

He-man was up I think about 4-0 in the 3rd period. FINALLY, he gets this move he had been trying for all night, gets the guy turned over, is about 3 seconds away from pinning him, time was up!!! UGGGGGGGH

He still won though. Did I mention he is eligible to wrestle? In fact, he has never been ineligible for a sport.

George should be ashamed! And life sucks for him right now, so hopefully this will never happen again :)

I love ya, boy, but you gotta do your school work!!

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