Monday, November 24, 2008

We have not fallen off the United States and into the ocean

But I do feel like we live in the North Pole and are only getting 2 hours of sunlight a day :)

I was thinking, MAN, I have been so busy. But I really haven't been getting anything done. Then I remembered that my daylight hours are so few now. I went to get my hair done about 4 this afternoon. It was dark out when I left there. I think it's about 5 here now when it's getting dark.

I may have to get one of those sun lamps so I don't get seasonal depression. I don't think it's depression though. It's just that I want to hibernate :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just never thought of CA people having a lack of sunshine. But I guess you do! It was bad enough for so many years one "state" (province) in from you, in Alberta, Canada. But it's almost as bad sometimes back in NZ. I forgot we also have lightless mornings and evenings, in winter. Though I don't think it's quite as bad here.