Thursday, January 31, 2008

Phone sharing

Believe it or not, I do remember this. And I do remember thinking what a pain in the butt everybody was when they wanted to use the phone when "I" was on it. It wasn't enough that I was on it 5 or 6 hours a day, but someone wanted to use it for two minutes?! JEEEEEZ!

Well, Mom, Dad, you'll be happy to know what I'm reaping. You know the cell service sucks here, so if we want to make any kind of phone call, it has to be from the home phone. Since I have a 16 year old in love, good luck getting the phone when he's here.

The Hubby has been calling me for a little while this afternoon. Who knew? Said teenager couldn't bring himself to answer the darn thing. Did I have call waiting back then? I'm SURE that I at least answered the phone when someone called :)

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