Monday, August 4, 2008


I got tagged by Ronni at to do a meme as follows:

The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you. (See above.)

2. Mention the rules on your blog. (Here they are.)

3. Tell about six unspectacular quirks of yours.

4. Tag six fellow bloggers by linking them. (She already tagged most of mine!)

5. Leave a comment on each of the six blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged. (Will do as soon as this is posted.)

My Quirks:

1. When I go to a restaurant, I am honestly okay with slow service or a messed up order, but PLEASE don't come back to my table and talk to me and see that my plate is empty and just leave it there in front of me. When I am finished, I want that plate OUTTA THERE! (weird quirk, huh?)

2. This deals more with my kids. If I say we're leaving in 10 minutes....they know to be out the door in 9! Actually, I think they are more anal about this now than I EVER was! I have punctual children tho :)

3.This one's for my husband. Don't tell me you don't feel like driving because you have driven all day and then proceed to tell me I should drive faster! See above. I am not late, therefore, I'm not in a hurry :)

4. A quirk of mine is to see people be obnoxious to people working customer service type jobs. They're people just like you and me, just doing their jobs. (Although there are times when the person on the receiving end might need a little help from management)

5. Along those same lines, I have a quirk about if someone gives me good service. I usually make it a point to either speak to a manager then or call back later and tell them that someone treated me like I wanted to be treated. I just figure they always hear the negative. A positive every now and then never hurt anybody!

6. The perfect vacation for me is not to some exotic island or even out of the country. I like to just go and drive and see places I haven't seen. Throw in a Mexican restaurant, and it's pretty much heaven for me :)

I just realized, I have a lot of quirks. At first I was having a hard time thinking of anything.

I'm going to tag:

1. Misery: Because I just love her, and she brightened my week last week, and hopefully I will be able to return the favor!

2. Mailia's Mom: Because she is one of the sweetest people on the face of the earth! I miss her like crazy!

3. Lila: Because she's my revenge partner! hahaha

And unless I tag Ronni and some of the same people she tagged, I don't have any more blogging buddies!

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