Friday, April 4, 2008

Everything in moderation, my child!

She says with the slyest of grins big grin

Around here, we all know that if there is a food "stuff" that we really like, we must hide it from the other members in this household! It's never hidden far, but hidden enough to be out of sight out of mind to others.

For instance, my carmel fiber one bars are hidden.

Hubby's peanut butter ones are not.

But George Porge learned a valuable lesson today, I think. He is the muncher of the family, so most things need to stay out of HIS sight. Well, he took it upon himself to eat TWO peanut butter fiber one bars today. Let's just say his stomach is in a slight uproar right now!

Okay, anybody that's eaten fiber one bars know that it isn't a SLIGHT UPROAR! haha

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