Saturday, December 20, 2008

Jackpot! Or Diegopot!

I have never had a dog who liked toys. I would buy them for Jack and Honey, and they would just stay in a heap wherever we put them.

Diego, on the other hand, has found all of the toys I have ever bought Jack and acquired many of his own. While he DOES like to "find" the squeaker in a stuffed toy, he doesn't chew on anything else. He's a puppy and rotten as all get out, but he only chews his toys. And chew them he DOES!!

Last night, I was at a company Christmas party that had a White Elephant Gift Exchange.
If you don't know what it here.

I had number 6. The person at number 5, I love her to death, she is our escrow coordinator. She makes sure all my paperwork is done and that we can close a sale! Well, number 5 picked this wonderful gift FULL of doggy toys.

Instant envy on my part :)

Do you know how much dog toys are??? haha

So instead of just going and snatching it from her, which would have been perfectly okay, I asked her if she WANTED her dog toys. Her reply, I don't even have a dog!!

So YAAAAAAY I was able to "steal" the toys.

A couple of the agents were checking out the goods when they were deciding which gift they wanted. I was trying to hide them :)

In the end, Diego made out like the bandit that he is! He was a happy, happy camper.

I, on the other hand, was NOT when I had to pick up all these toys all over my house!!

1 comment:

Mailia's Mom said...

Wow! Merry Christmas Diego! LOL

Now I want to see pix of him playing with all those toys. :-)

Mailia's Mom