Sunday, July 13, 2008


This one is pretty self-explanatory, but...

Do you know what these next two are?

Well, as these fields were growing, Studmuffin and I kept wondering WHY they were letting these onions get brown on the top. They looked awesome and had been so pretty green for the longest time. They even smelled like onion.

Well, to our surprise, it was garlic. I don't have pics of what they did, but they must have come through with a machine and just dug up the rows and spit them out the other side maybe. I'm not sure. But then a half a bazillion people were out picking this stuff up and putting it in those boxes. It really wouldn't surprise me if my father goes through a whole box of this stuff in a year :)

In the fields where the boxes are full, there were people out picking up the leftovers! No, I wasn't one of them :)

Studmuffin may have a secret stash I don't know about though!

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