Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Mom and Dad's day out

I got up yesterday with nothing to do. Yeah, there's always cleaning toilets, but that wasn't on my list of priorities. My Studmuffin was not traveling a huge distance, so I went for a ride along. I get ready, and am waiting on HIM. He said he was making phone calls.

Finally on our way, we go the opposite direction of where I think we should be going. Oops. We have to drop off the dry cleaning. Okay. Finally on our way. Nope, let's stop at the bank, too.

Okay, now we are REALLY going this time. Studmuffin informs me that the 2 places he had to go, one, the person had the day off. Two, the person hadn't called him back yet. Okay, so we are going to head that way, and if and when they call, he will be in the area to visit them. We take a back road to see if we can avoid the highway, plus we had never seen it before. We were riding through the windmill farms, and Mr. Stud was playing with his "Nascar Toyota" You really would have thought he was driving a Corvette with the top down :)

Well, to speed this story up, we ended up "seeing where this road goes" until we ended up all the way back around the mountain. We found a great new restaurant. (Yes, MEXICAN!) And we were back in time for the kids to be out of school.

What is wrong with this picture? Does my hubby really work? I want a job like that! I want to drive around all day with The Sexy Man in my car! All I can say, it's about time the Man gets a break. Did I mention I like having him around?

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