Friday, November 23, 2007

Long time no see!

I had one of those fun times of lots of rough drafts and then had to scope them all. Every time I finish, I say I will never do it again.

I think everybody is adjusted. We have about 6 extra kids in the house right now, so I guess they've made friends!

Leave it to George Porge. He's the one who has a girl over, and I just had to go bust up the party in his room. Georgie Porgie, puddin and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry. He lives up to his name, cept they aren't crying :) Who knew we nicknamed him right?!

The rest of kids are raiding the fridge and eating the leftovers. And we do have a Mikey!

The biggest kid is schooling them all in pool. Yep, that's The Hubby :)

Hope everybody had an awesome Thanksgiving!